Response to Air Quality Consultation

Response to Air Quality Consultation

Dear Nick,

We would like to thank you for giving North Tyneside Business Forum the opportunity to discuss and be consulted on the Air Quality Consultation.

The North Tyneside Business Forum have made every effort to encourage our wide-ranging membership of 1,400 businesses to take part in the consultation exercise with many businesses attending public consultation meetings, responding directly or attending the North East England Chamber of Commerce meetings.

An overarching view is that the business community feel opposed to any cost which may put businesses in difficulty however, fully understand the severity of the issue and the measures that need to be put in place.

Due to the wide ranging views and the effects which the two proposals will have on our members and the differing views we have established from the proposals, we cannot at this time give an opinion which covers the full views of the Forum.

We would welcome consideration to the two points below, when conducting further research or developing a full business case.

• We would welcome a trial in a small area of the identified areas to measure the immediate impact of the proposals
• We challenge the zones which would be impacted upon and would welcome clarification on the proposals and the area these will cover. At present the areas identified are wide ranging and are complicated for businesses to manage.

We would appreciate consideration given to the business community whose employees live / work inside the identified areas and the funding opportunities which may be available to them and also consideration to the businesses whose operations rely on transporting goods within identified areas.

We would be grateful if the team would keep us informed on progress and please feel free to consult with us when you consider it appropriate.

I trust that the above is in order any questions please call.

Kind Regards
David W Bavaird,
Chair of North Tyneside Business Forum

Clean Air Consultation Response May 2019



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With a diverse background covering operational, sales, marketing, international, and general management roles, Chris brings a lot of knowledge and a solid business network.

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